The language in the New Jersey Private Well Water Test Results Certification of Receipt (Cx4441) will be modified to more properly reflect statutory requirements, as well as revised citations that accurately reference these requirements.
The current language of the form is as follows:
“Per the Private Well Testing Act, New Jersey C.58:12A-27, for the sale of properties where the potable water supply is a private well located on the property or is serviced by a private water supply as defined in section 2.a. of the Act, the buyer and seller must certify that they have reviewed and received the water test results in order to close title on the sale of said property.”
The new language will be as follows:
“Per the Safe Drinking Water Act (particularly N.J. Stat. Ann. §58:12A-27), for the sale of properties where the potable water supply is a private well located on the property or any other real property for which the potable water supply has less than 15 service connections or does not regularly serve an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year, the buyer and seller must certify that they have received and reviewed the water test results, required in connection with the sale of such property, in order to close title on the sale of said property.”
In addition, the current version of the form contains two borrower signature lines: the first for certifying receipt of the water test results and the second for certifying receipt of the form.
Since certification of receiving and reviewing the water test results is conclusive evidence that the borrower received the form, the second signature line is unnecessary and will be removed.
This change will take effect on September 12, 2011.