New Freddie Mac biweekly convertible and non-convertible programs are now available. These new programs use FHLMC’s model forms, which are exactly the same as FNMA’s biweekly convertible and non-convertible model forms, with the exception of the information in the footer. The new programs are:
- 106468 Conventional Fixed Biweekly No Conversion
- 106469 Conventional Fixed Biweekly With Conversion
The Note and Rider for these programs are:
- 3288 Biweekly Note (Cx19235)
- 3189 Biweekly Rider (Cx19236)
- 3289 Biweekly Note Without Conversion (Cx19237)
- 3199 Biweekly Rider Without Conversion (Cx19238)
These new programs will be available beginning April 10, 2015. If you have any questions or concerns about these programs, please contact Client Support at 1.800.497.3584.
April 3, 2015
DR 165312