Freddie Mac announced the removal of the requirement to obtain a signed borrower consent form at or before closing to authorize release of information in the event of a delinquency for Home Possible Mortgages.
Therefore, the field value mapping currently setting “Print Authorization for Counseling” (Field 100811) to “Yes” globally when “Special Program” (Field 33578) is set to “Home Possible” will be removed from ConformX.
“Borrower’s Authorization for Counseling” (Cx5599) will continue to print by default in all Closings when “Print Authorization for Counseling” is “Yes”, and existing custom print conditions will not be modified unless requested, but the document will no longer be triggered by default for FHLMC Home Possible programs.
These changes will take effect on July 21, 2016. If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please contact Client Support at 1.800.497.3584.
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