Field 2194 “FHA/VA Purpose of Loan” is used on the HUD FHA/VA Addendum (our generic is Cx3981) to fill out Box 20 “Purpose of Loan”. Currently Field 2194 is globally mapped based on other loan data to determine the appropriate FHA/VA Loan Purpose. In order to allow clients to import the FHA/VA Loan Purpose from their Loan Origination Systems, we will be modifying each global mapping to add a condition that will only allow the global mappings to trigger when Field 2194 is empty. If the field is already populated from the LOS, we will not be triggering the global mappings to override the imported FHA/VA Loan Purpose. Note that this change will only impact the global mappings, and will not alter any existing custom mappings on Field 2194.
This global mapping change will be in effect on August 11, 2016. If you have any questions about this change, please contact Client Support at 1.800.497.3584.
TW 157273