On July 10, 2017, the Office of the Attorney General of Ohio published amendments to Ohio Admin. Code 109:4-3-23 & 109-4-3-23 App. which modifies the format of the Ohio “Closing Disclosure” required under these regulations, as well as Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 1345.031(B)(8) (see http://www.registerofohio.state.oh.us/jsps/publicdisplayrules/processPublicDisplayRules.jsp?entered_rule_no=109:4-3-23&doWhat=GETBYRULENUM&raID=0). These amendments take effect July 20, 2017.
As can be expected, the title of the document has been changed from “Closing Disclosure” to “Disclosure of Right Not to Close.” Our version of this form is “OH Closing Disclosure” (Cx11267). We will be submitting changes for this form to make it match the revised model form and will publish a separate announcement (on http://blog.docutechcorp.com/category/document-updates) once the changes are ready to push to Production.