The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has updated Form HUD – 92577 “Request for Acceptance of Changes in Approved Drawings and Specifications”. As a result, we are modifying our copy (Cx14872) to more closely match the model form.
The most notable edits to Cx14872 are as follows:
- An addition of a third paragraph at the top of the form specific for rehabilitation loans”…which meets the requirements of 24 CFR 203.50…”.
- At the bottom of the “Description” box, a new certification was added that states, in-part: “I, the undersigned, certify that under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct…”.
- Adding “Consultant” to the “Builder or Sponsor” box on page 1.
- Changed font type from Times to Arial.
These changes will be in effect on December 6, 2019. If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please contact Client Support at 1.800.497.3584.
DR 304878