California Government Code §27361.6 requires all documents submitted for recording to “show the name of the person requesting recording and the name and address to which the document is to be returned following recording.” In the past, we have complied by combining both the “Requested by” and the “When recorded mail to” requirements. Because there are times when the “Requested by” name and the “When recorded mail to” name can be different, Docutech is adding a field (FI 156845) to allow clients to break out these names. Whenever data is being sent through this field our document logic will separate the “Requested by” and “When recorded mail to” on the document.
This field will be applied generically to our recordable documents, which are:
- Cx25283 (3005 CA Deed of Trust 2021)
- Cx312 (CA Deed of Trust)
- Cx471 (CA Deed of Trust Second)
- Cx19362 (FHA CA Deed of Trust)
- Cx1517 (CA Assignment of Deed of Trust)
- Cx1362 (HELOC Deed of Trust -CA)
- Cx3067 (CA Assignment- INV Blank)
- Cx1701 (Loan Modification Agreement – Fixed)
- Cx4310 (Assignment from MERS)
- Cx4888(Loan Modification Agreement – ARM)
- Cx6874 (Manufactured Home Limited Power of Attorney
- Cx10514 (Loan Modification Agreement – ARM)
- Cx10515 (Loan Modification Agreement – Fixed)
This change will take effect on November 8, 2022. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Client Support at 1.800.497.3584.