As previously announced, we have created a revised set of FHA security instruments and notes that are based on the 2021 (effective 2023) GSE forms. In response to feedback from our clients, we have adjusted the previously announced timeline for the rollout of these new forms.
April 2, 2024 (available) – the new documents are available for testing and can be configured to print as default forms when clients indicate they are ready to use them.
October 1, 2024 (standard) – all clients will receive the new forms by default unless they notify Docutech client support that they wish to remain on the old versions.
April 1, 2025 (required) – the old FHA notes and security instruments will no longer be supported by Docutech and will only be available as client custom forms. The new FHA security instruments and notes based on the 2021 (effective 2023) GSE forms will be Docutech’s only standard FHA instruments and notes supported from that date forward.
The new documents are configured to print based on field 152151 “Use New FNMA/FHLMC Legal Documents (07/2021)”. Clients should review any mappings they have related to this field prior to utilizing the new forms. A list of the new FHA legal documents can be found here.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Client Support at 1.800.497.3584.