On June 19, 2018 Gov. Rick Snyder (R) signed into law MI SB 737 (2017), which changes a few of Michigan’s recording requirements (see https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(vjitvmzxzlrcl1clc34vca55))/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=2017-SB-0737&query=on). These changes took effect immediately.
We have already reviewed these amendments and have determined that no changes are necessary to our documents and systems. The more substantive changes include the following:
- Signatures to a document must be made in black or dark blue ink – This is outside of Docutech’s control.
- The name of the notary public must appear on the same page and near the signature of the notary public – Our notarial certificates are currently configured to appear on the same page.
- If any part of the instrument is in a language other than English, a written English translation must be attached to it – Currently, none of our generic documents which print for Michigan loans contain any parts which are in a language other than English.
- The instrument must contain the name and business address of the person who drafted the instrument – Our recordable instruments already contain a “Prepared By:” section, due to a similar provision formerly found in Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 565.201a (which has been repealed under this bill, with its provisions substantially transferred to Ibid. § 565.201[1][i]).