Pursuant to our monthly audit of Federal Agency forms, we will be making the following changes to the following forms:
Important Notice to Homebuyers (Cx40; form HUD-92900-B). All of the following changes will be made to the non-FHA Section 184 (Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program) version of the form:
- Changing the OMB Number Expiration Date from “03/31/2019” to “12/31/2023” and the form date from “11/2014” to “2/2020”;
- Adding “the” to the second sentence of the form (“Return one copy to the mortgagee”);
- Changing “’lock-in’” to “lock in” in Clause (d) of “Interest Rate and Discount Points”, as well as removing the comma from the last sentence of said Clause;
- Making the following changes in “Don’t Commit Loan Fraud”:
- Changing “downpayment” to “down payment” in Clauses (b) and (d);
- Changing “letters-of-credit” to “letters of credit” and removing the word “and” in Clause (c);
- Changing “downpayment” to “down payment” in Clause (d);
- Removing the semi colon in Clause (h); and
- Reformatting the citation in Clause “Warning” to: “Title 18, U.S.C. §§ 1001 and 1010”;
- Adding the acronym “UFMIP” to the last page and replacing references to upfront mortgage insurance premiums in various places on said page with such acronym; and
- Correcting the article “a” to “an” when preceding “FHA” on the last page; and
- Formatting the phrase “Y TIENE DIFICULTAD LEYENDO” into bold on the last page.
Warranty of Completion of Construction – HUD-92544 (Cx47; form HUD-92544):
- Changing the OMB Number Expiration Date from “9/30/2022” to “12/31/2023” and the form date from “9/2005” to “2/2020”;
- Restructuring the first sentence of the second paragraph by removing the last half of said sentence (beginning with “which have been approved”) and changing the punctuation accordingly. Additional punctuational changes are made throughout the remainder of the paragraph, as well as removing the word “however” after the words “Provided further”;
- Adding “the” at the beginning of the last sentence of the fourth paragraph;
- Formatting the caption, in the manufactured home identification box on the first page, into bold;
- Adding the following paragraph just before the signature area:
“The undersigned Warrantor certifies under penalty of perjury that the property was constructed in compliance with HUD’s Minimum Property Requirement and Minimum Property Standard or VA’s New Construction or Proposed or Under Construction requirements.”;
- Changing the first sentence of the “Warning” which appears at the very bottom of the form to the following:
“Anyone who knowingly submits a false claim, or makes false statements is subject to criminal and civil penalties, including confinement for up to 5 years, fines and civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 287. 1001 and 31, U.S.C. 3729)”; and
- Changing the reference in the footer from “ref. Handbook 4145.1” to “ref. HUD Handbook 4000.1”.
Borrowers Contract Hotel and Transient – All copies (Cx48, Cx5014, & Cx17814; form HUD-92561):
- Changing the OMB Number Expiration Date from “09/30/2022” to “12/31/2023” and changing the form date from “(3/93)” to “(2/2020)”;
- Changing “Sec.” to “Section” in the fourth paragraph, as well as adding a comma between “outstanding” and “no” in said paragraph;
- Changing “of” to “or” in the last phrase of the last paragraph (“for transient of hotel purposes”);
- Changing the text of the “Warning” which appears before the signature area to the following:
“Anyone who knowingly submits a false claim, or makes false statements is subject to criminal and civil penalties, including confinement for up to 5 years, fines and civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. §§ 287,1001, and 31 U.S.C. § 3729)”; and
- Changing the reference in the footer from “ref. Handbook 4000.2 & 4155.1” to “ref. HUD Handbook 4000.1”.
Official copies of these forms can be found online at: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/administration/hudclips/forms
These changes will take effect on February 12, 2021. Questions or concerns about these changes may be directed to Client Support at 1.800.497.3584.
DR 336113
Update: Due to an inadvertent error, the VA-copy of our Warranty of Completion of Construction – HUD-92544 (Cx47) was updated with the same changes referenced above, when only the HUD-copy was intended to be so updated. We have correct this error and undone these changes to the VA-copy, effective immediately.
TW 346399
DR 345097